1. Introduction to The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice
The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice in Singapore is renowned for its comprehensive approach to treating musculoskeletal conditions. With a team of highly skilled orthopaedic surgeons at the forefront, they offer specialized expertise in managing a wide range of orthopaedic issues, from sports injuries to degenerative conditions. Utilizing advanced diagnostic techniques and state-of-the-art minimally invasive procedures, their orthopaedic surgeons tailor treatment plans to address each patient’s unique needs effectively. Whether it’s treating fractures, joint replacements, or complex spinal conditions, their commitment to personalized care ensures optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction. Moreover, their multidisciplinary approach, integrating physiotherapy, pain management, and rehabilitation services, ensures holistic care for individuals seeking relief from musculoskeletal ailments in Singapore.
2. Causes and Treatment of Lower Back Pain
A significant cause of back pain in general, and therefore of muscle fatigue from the above mentioned, is postural load and muscle use from individual tasks. Across the spectrum of the population, examples can range from the parent and child (typical case of previously mentioned disc damage), the executive, the manual worker, the athlete, to the musician. Each has varying degrees of posture, load, or tasks that result in muscle fatigue. Injuries to the ligaments and muscles around the spine are common, from simple overuse to more serious strains from a forceful movement or athletic activity. In severe cases, a force from the rear or an advancement on a previous injury can tear a disc or cause a previously asymptomatic herniation to become symptomatic. Whether it is the first episode or a flare-up of a chronic issue, the pain felt is a result of direct damage to the structure and an inflammatory reaction.
The lower back is the most common site of back pain. A structural abnormality in the bony vertebrae or discs is the primary cause of this. For example, intervertebral disc damage can cause pain due to muscle spasm and bony disability. This pain generator can be identified using provocative discography. Back pain is most typically related to muscle fatigue. This can be triggered by overuse of the muscles or too heavy of a task. Muscle fatigue is the typical result of untreated or mismanaged mechanical low back pain. Whether the issue is local and acute, movement in an attempt to reduce the incidence of pain will, as a rule, lead to work of the larger muscle groups which are closer to the spine and therefore increase the incidence of pain. Frequently, a vicious circle occurs when pain causes movement restriction, which causes muscle use and deconditioning, which causes more pain. Similarly, many of us experience this with our busy lives these days. You may consult with an orthopaedic surgeon for more information about lower back pain causes and treatment.
4. Lower Back Pain after Standing Too Long
Lower back pain has been defined as pain and discomfort experienced in the area between the lower costal margins and the gluteal folds. It affects anyone at any age, with symptoms ranging from aching and tightness to severe pain. It is already a well-known fact that prolonged standing and forward inclination of the trunk (as in ER personnel, assembly line workers) puts increased weight load on the lumbar intervertebral discs. A study has been done on 12 healthy male volunteers with no history of low back pain or previous back surgery. They underwent prolonged standing for 4 hours with two 15-minute breaks. An MRI was done before and after the session. The result was that there was significant disc deformation and disc height decreased especially in the lower lumbar discs. It is already known that discogenic back pain results from tears annulus fibrosis which might heal with scar tissue. If you experience lower back pain after standing too long, you can consult an orthopaedic surgeon at The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice.
5. Lower Back Pain and Deadlift: Prevention and Treatment
A common complaint about deadlifts is that they may cause lower back pain. This is not a good reason to avoid doing deadlifts. Rather than being dangerous, the exercise is actually a very safe and effective way to strengthen the lower back when done properly. The same factors that make the deadlift the best exercise for the lower back are what contribute to the high incidence of lower back pain. The deadlift is unlike any other exercise. To take a weight from the ground to the standing position, it is necessary to employ a proper lifting technique. When the legs straighten and the trunk elevates, the load on the bar is transferred to the shoulders and arms. This forces the lifter to maintain isometric contractions in the erector spinae to keep the spine in a static position. With the conventional bodybuilding exercises, the load is placed on the spine and trunk movement exercises, essentially the erector spinae has the trunk bends and straightens. This is often what causes the acute lower back pain from disc herniation. With the deadlift, the risk of disc injury is greatly reduced as the erector spinae is contracting isometrically to hold the spine’s natural lordotic curvature. The erector spinae also gets a strong workout with plenty of high rep isometric contractions, meaning that it will have high endurance work capacity. All these reasons make the deadlift the best exercise for lower back strengthening and rehabilitation. If you experience lower back pain deadlift, you can contact the team at The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice for more information.